Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Untitled #3

I write because my heart cries
To ease and erase pain and lies
To express happiness and restful times
To confess the depth of needless crimes
You can read it if you’re ready
Not for the weak minded or emotionally unsteady
It’s raw quite often
And pretty un-pretty
Call me dumb, call me silly
But it’s from my sad self, glad self me…
It’s who I am… who I be.

written by KaBabyBlu on 11-Dec-09

Monday, October 15, 2012

Untitled #2

Recognizing yourself in the lines of an idea…
A sad and so personal idea
That should not be something a young lady can relate to
About being unhappy when all think the opposite is true
Ashlee and Smokey the embodiment of me?
How can it be so simple?
Like the light switching on
Or the coming of a new dawn…

I cannot accept this truth for long
Living a façade and seeming strong
While in my head and deep down inside
The only active verb is ‘cry’

I cannot keep on with this lamenting song
I should just accept that something is wrong

Can it be fixed without me
When it’s rooted within?
Will I fight for long, while patience grows thin?
It’s not so easy to, when you bleed beneath your skin.
You can’t just keep bearing with a grin…
Otherwise you become the lines of an idea
The words of a timed tune

I just hope I find Home soon
before it’s too late and the track of my tears show the world my fears of having no one to walk with, after the show and in later years.

written 14-Sept-09