Saturday, March 8, 2014

If I were a vampire... your throat would be my feast.
Your neck the perfect place to
put my lips
in death's own kiss.

But I want to feel the life in you...
pass straight through me too
I want your heartbeat on my skin
As I watch and sense you exhale
I breathe you all in.

Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm still not sure just how much I want you
because the times you show me where you are-
is when it's safe to.

I know that it's no excuse
I know that it's not fair
But how can I think of going the distance-
if you won't meet me there.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The dam wall releases a torrent
So strong
That only rock and whale can handle
The tears from eye may fall
So hot
It burns like molten under the mantle
The emotion she spills may even kill
A heart
Of a man who bought no flowers and scented candle
It’s the way of love and hate:
A rush
That can make or break like no high school vandal

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I guess I loved at least once

I’ve never known a man my age
Who can give
The way you do.
I’ve never seen a smile
That has nothing to prove.
I’ve always thought I’m falling
I’ve always found am wrong
I seem to be a sucker
I seem to be the one who’s always on the run
From the shame of failure
Or the truth that comes with.
And now yes, I’m running
But I’m running straight to you
Because something within
Tells me we could win
We could rise to shine everyday
To take the dark and pain away
To warm the heart and fortify the mind.
As you take to return
A flame for lover will ever burn,
Brighter with each passing night
Like a full moon, burning stable and bright. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How much must one sacrifice?
For whom and when?
It seems a good plan for the moment
But only then

Then reality comes slamming back
And you’re against a wall
Trying to rid your mind of evidence
Vomiting in a bathroom stall

Would you- must one- give the very blood
That runs for things as sweet as love?
Can one say, that’s what they’d pay
Just to be rid of one below the one above.

Because that higher may not see it
And may never know the truth at all
That all that took place was
A price paid to be in the place call now where
Lovers fall. YSB

Monday, March 3, 2014

Writing: My First Aid

Writing’s in my blood, but
I’m not always good
Other times it rushes out
Rushes out like a flood
Flows on the page
Gushes out in rage
And rhyme I do, if not for me- for you
It’s a wonder how I pick up a pen and create
Drop it and pick it up again.
Amazing how my anger and pain, longing and rain
Go stronger than joy
And ever remain on paper
Like blood on sheets left by
The man who beat and raped her
It’s all that’s wrong that I write
Better that than stay up at night
For crying will solve nothing
Not even for ‘her’
Who needs something
But will trust no one to give it
It’s hers and she’ll live it
For the rest of life’s time
Just like me….
I write to get set free
This is my comfort
What it takes to help me survive longer

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I can’t stand, for my knee’s weak
I can’t sit still and I don’t trust my speech
I don’t know how to stay away from the fire
That melts the ice of this queen me
Boiling blood and scorched skin
From a touch so soft and soothing
From a caress that tortures me within
Why can’t I go back to the way it was?
Is that not how it should be?
Full of laughter, not of longing
Full of sexy, but so carefree? YaSaBa