Monday, March 3, 2014

Writing: My First Aid

Writing’s in my blood, but
I’m not always good
Other times it rushes out
Rushes out like a flood
Flows on the page
Gushes out in rage
And rhyme I do, if not for me- for you
It’s a wonder how I pick up a pen and create
Drop it and pick it up again.
Amazing how my anger and pain, longing and rain
Go stronger than joy
And ever remain on paper
Like blood on sheets left by
The man who beat and raped her
It’s all that’s wrong that I write
Better that than stay up at night
For crying will solve nothing
Not even for ‘her’
Who needs something
But will trust no one to give it
It’s hers and she’ll live it
For the rest of life’s time
Just like me….
I write to get set free
This is my comfort
What it takes to help me survive longer

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