Saturday, February 15, 2014

I Write

My words are all about people
I have no time for birds and trees
For I cannot relate- or am not even there- when they bleed.
I know that
It’s always my aim to show that
Vulnerable side of human life
Prone to scratch and cut
Liable to get in a jam
Stuck in a rut.
I wish to understand the human mind and why we cry
For ourselves and others
Why it’s ever an option for everyone-
Fathers, sisters, mothers.
I look to see and show a strength
People like me would go to any length
Beauty is beheld by naked eye
Mine is great and
Everywhere this I spy in unexpected hiding places
For it is often hidden as
The owners wish not to let escape this
One trait that gives them sparkle
For fear not all find it remarkable.
Can I not write of these? YaSaBa

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