Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Was Young: Part Eight


Purple is the color of royalty
So to kings we bid farewell
The script upon the page must flow
When ingenuity I don't feel
The flame has been put out and the drums no longer play
The jesters have put their jokes away, the sun is gone today
Farewell to kings and princes
All hope has just been lost
No feasts attended... oh spirit mend it! There is naught to boast
So the scribe’s the last to leave the stage
Having taken in all to see
Such as it is I know the sorrow… the scribe is me


It was much too dry!
Play it with more passion
Seize the moment and make it last
Don’t go about it in this doleful fashion
Close your eyes and feel the rush
Everything explodes with every touch
If you show the right emotion
Sounds and smells all but collide
Oh music... we flit, we float, we fly
Take reins and dogs can run
Panting, straining and enjoying the fun
Laughter erupts and smiles break
If with precision and grace this moment you take


Hard as it is to believe
I’m glad to see you leave
It opens another chapter
That we can approach in laughter
We drank from it
Now throw the gauntlet in the fire
“Is this love or just desire”
To be without you will be the test
And show us where we are best
I’ll take care if you do too
Is what we can say here and now
Miles apart the question is how?
We’re both young with our lives ahead
It’s not like we’ve made our bed
So no need to lie
Or spare a tear in eye
When it’s over and done, so be it
I just hope that we’ll both see it
For now we wait
In the way we communicate
To see if we’ll test time
Oh Lord this test is mine
To be true and without you
Let’s see what pulls me through

Written by YaSaBa (21/08/06)

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