Friday, December 14, 2012

I Give Up... you?

In the wakes of hurricanes, the aftermath as evidenced on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

The house we built on that solid foundation has been wiped away like it was never created.
We stand here, facing the ruins and wonder, is it even worth trying again?
The pieces of our home still exist and the solid rock upon which we began, remains in tact
We stand here, facing the ruins and wonder, is it even worth trying again?

In the wake of hurricanes, the aftermath on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

The wounds bled deep but the scars will eventually heal.
The tears shed as we fought and travailed to a victory that could only be called our own won't go uncounted
Having beaten down the opponents standing in our love's way, we stood on the ridge
and looked over all we'd been through, fought for, believed in
And where there should have been pride and peace, there was unrest and scorching doubts
about whether we had done the right thing... had we lost too much to gain what we wanted?

In the wake of hurricanes, the aftermath on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

I sit alone in the dark. Alone where you left me.
The bright, hot African sun is shining today... but it's still dark.
How can my mind's I* possibly trudge through the bleak nothing that you left inside?
How can I possibly know up from down and back from front
when the light of my heart has been doused by the torrent of my own tears?
The doubts now pounce where they never dared leave a shadow
The voices shout their heralds where they never even had a court
Surely, there is something I can do to bring us back to... us. Bring you and I back to us

In the wake of hurricanes, the aftermath on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

Shuttered and revealing nothing. Like the house, if we had prepared for the storm.
Growing greener and fresher everyday. Like the field would when the trampled sprouts spring back and the blood dries.
Silence reigns and my thoughts are still.
Put on a smile and give the rest of me to the world that needs me.

In the wake of hurricanes, the air is still and heavy. Weighing upon your chest like the guilt of regret.
The aftermath on deserted battlefields... blood, sweat and tears wasted on the dead, gone and forgotten lovers.
In the recesses of my mind, I search for the answers. Where we went wrong and how the hell I missed the signs.
The results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted are tears and trembling lips. When is it enough, when should we keep trying?

We made it through the storm, we managed through the fight... and then we fell.
The strength of my mind and all my love couldn't hold me up
I tried to hold on, grasping at straws as I drowned in my own misery.
Choking on tears so thick, I failed to speak- reserving my energy for the survival of the 'we' I always cherished

But I'm saying it now.
I give up.

Do you?

In the wake of hurricanes, families help each other put the pieces back together and the building begins again
In the aftermath on deserted battlefields, soldiers carry each other to the barracks to find strength in numbers and get ready for the next encounter
In the recesses of my mind, I still hear you say the words 'I love you' with a gentleness that stilled my soul...
The results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted, when their pleas are unanswered. In their words, devoid now of any happiness, apart from anything akin to hope.

I give up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You couldn't find a better forum to communicate this?

  3. It's a poem and that is what I was feeling in the moment... emotions rage and fade like the tides of the sea, so don't expect me to live and remain in a single day's events. I'm more of a fighter, but in the moment, the feelings were real. They may return but I have seen my way through that cloud.


What do you really think??