My poems
come so quickly coz I’m gifted
With the
burden of these words that I’ve lived in.
And wish it
was my God that I was liftin’
But more
often than not I am weak…
And I give
To the
pressure of this world and all that doesn’t matter.
Give me a
gust of the Holy Spirit
And these
useless thoughts to scatter
For I know
that they’re worthless
and I
pretend that they’re worth it
to hide the
fact that in the Kingdom I’m worthless
Not because
I’m dirty or the fact I’m so unclean
But because
I live for my flesh… and not the Father’s glory
There’s no
way I can justify myself before His holy throne
bue even He
knows how remorseful I am the moment I’m alone.
I should
fall to my knees and beg,
please, I know that I’m guilty”
And I know
right then he’d take my hand,
and make me
feel less filthy
because only
Jesus can.
Only Jesus
can cleanse me with His blood
And wrap
myself in love
Not in love
the way I thought we were
But I
perceive much deeper.
Only Jesus
can remove the stains-
so that only
my- beauty remains
for all the
world to see
Crafted by
his workmanship
crafted for
His glory.
My testimony
is twisted
But my life
can still be GIFTED
[ G- God’s
I- Inpsiring
me to be
F- Faith
T- Truth
E- Edifying
D- Disciple
making ]
And that’s
my present to you:
The love of God is not mine to
give but I share what I know about it.
When you have received Christ and have seen what I see… you too will want
to shout it.