Monday, February 4, 2013

I don’t think you deserve me right now.
I can see where this will lead and I don’t think- in fact I know- that I won’t be the rebound girl, so you’ll find another plaything and the cycle will continue. I must find it in myself to reject you and all your beautiful.

I don’t think I deserve you right now.
I have been presented with knights in shining armour and lords with the wealth of nations,
Surely I don’t believe I deserve an impoverished heart?
It is not about the money, but the state and wealth of your being...
You have spent your last cent in a two-bit relationship whereas I would have brought my plentiful dowry to your feet and offered you all I am and can be.

I don’t think we are in the same world.
But don’t I deserve happiness?
Don’t you deserve it too?
You won’t find it where you are looking...
You’re in the wrong house again my dear.
Looking into the double-storey with the fireplace blazing and yet you are in the shack next door- oh so far but very, very near.

You don’t think you deserve me either.
If I am to be completely honest, this is true.
You seek for moments of hot gratification and hope to hold onto me while you sift through your hormones until all that is left is your heart and its clear message, whatever that may be.
I can see glimpses of the great love you could and can be, but you see me as the long haul kind of girl and therefore relegate me to a sideline post where I can be your cheerleader and medic and pep talker when needed... you’ll always find a reason to need me for a little while before jumping back in the field of action.

And I don’t think I deserve that.

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