Monday, December 31, 2012

I Was Young: Part Nine


I don’t even know if I’m in love anymore
People telling me how I should feel
The distance means silence
You’re far away… you’re quiet. I am too
Insides conversing back, there’s no other way
My heart and mind know what they must
But my ears are so confused
Telling me “hold on”, “let go”, “cry”, “worry”
Doesn’t help at all
All I know is you’re far away and we’ve said what we had to say
You know how to deal with how you feel and so do I
The outside world should just behold
See if they find the love they think they know

Written by YaSaBa (26/08/06)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Was Young: Part Eight


Purple is the color of royalty
So to kings we bid farewell
The script upon the page must flow
When ingenuity I don't feel
The flame has been put out and the drums no longer play
The jesters have put their jokes away, the sun is gone today
Farewell to kings and princes
All hope has just been lost
No feasts attended... oh spirit mend it! There is naught to boast
So the scribe’s the last to leave the stage
Having taken in all to see
Such as it is I know the sorrow… the scribe is me


It was much too dry!
Play it with more passion
Seize the moment and make it last
Don’t go about it in this doleful fashion
Close your eyes and feel the rush
Everything explodes with every touch
If you show the right emotion
Sounds and smells all but collide
Oh music... we flit, we float, we fly
Take reins and dogs can run
Panting, straining and enjoying the fun
Laughter erupts and smiles break
If with precision and grace this moment you take


Hard as it is to believe
I’m glad to see you leave
It opens another chapter
That we can approach in laughter
We drank from it
Now throw the gauntlet in the fire
“Is this love or just desire”
To be without you will be the test
And show us where we are best
I’ll take care if you do too
Is what we can say here and now
Miles apart the question is how?
We’re both young with our lives ahead
It’s not like we’ve made our bed
So no need to lie
Or spare a tear in eye
When it’s over and done, so be it
I just hope that we’ll both see it
For now we wait
In the way we communicate
To see if we’ll test time
Oh Lord this test is mine
To be true and without you
Let’s see what pulls me through

Written by YaSaBa (21/08/06)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I Was Young: Part Seven


There are so many things I could have said
But I'm choked now like I was then
All I thought of was good bye
Though then was not the time

Written by YaSaBa (15/08/06)

Friday, December 28, 2012

I Was Young: Part Six


My dreaming senses say I was with you
You were with me
Long moments in each other’s presence
Talking of the days and promises we’re both afraid to make
I’m not scared of it any more... I’m ready for you to leave
Bets aside I will not cry
Frets aside I cannot lie   
Here I am and there you are
Make some effort we’ll both do
But 1st step is for you to get on the plane
As it is you’ve driven me insane

And broken thoughts
Are something I’ve got to deal with
In my dreaming senses I’m with you
But they know it so different
They don’t see what I do
Haven’t come to my side of my eyes
They’re looking in but can’t see without my help
I could be in hell
But I’m with you. And they don’t know


I opened my lungs and sang to block it out
The noise in my ears rang
Get confused when an element so unright
Interrupts our tonight
And you brought it here
He doesn’t belong and it’s so wrong to give me away
I spent my life fighting, putting it in writing. And I say:
If you will not have me and I not you
Let me be the one to choose
Where I go from that time forth
I shall not love- not with force
You speak of silence, butterflies
All that’s to be with time
I don’t want what you say, close my eyes
I’m happy with now- now is fine
Regardless of what God has in store
Your mention of him becomes a bore
For I am yours and you are mine
He fits in nowhere… or are you blind?

Written by YaSaBa (13/08/06)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Was Young: Part Five


The movies would have the table revolving in the crowded room
Her solemn face, the clatter of knives and spoon
His mellow voice, the chatter around the room

My laughing self trying not to reel as the emotions just never balance

He’s trying to get her to laugh
She won’t even try his tart

Because this is the real world and I see matters of the heart
The room must stop as I take a look
We’re talking business but my mind isn’t in it
And I might miss out as I slowly drown
In the sister’s counter-production
Of the morose vibes and comments blithe
That throw us all the more off balance

She hardly opened her mouth
But we’ve abandoned an agenda just to make her happy

Written by YaSaBa (02/08/06)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Was Young: Part Four


I have a new name it’s been so long.
And man have I changed!

I’m not as strong, can’t laugh as long. Something’s wrong
And yet it’s not the block I had in 2001.
I still have ideas and could jot some but I've closed up shop
Something made me stop
God couldn’t have taken it away
He gave it to me to protect and console me
To comfort and believe me
when no one else does.

I have a man now it’s been so long
And man have I changed
My friends say I’m a girl now
But should they say that?
Because I have always been a female
and yet my body stays unchanged too much

My mind is taking a break and it doesn’t have to be buff
But I still don’t cry
My back was broken and my thoughts were poking
at my confused heart and reconciled spirit
Yet no tears will fall. Hell no, not at all
I can’t write, my man is alright but no- woman won’t cry tonight
And man, have I changed?


Those eyes so innocent I could be deceived
As the words out of your mouth
Leave much to be perceived
You’re not what I expected yet somehow I knew
that whoever you were- so many that you are- I’d never not know you

You’re something strange to me
You throw my perspective of unconventionality
And scare me in the process
I’ve never walked on broken glass and loathe appearing the ass
But that’s what you make me

And yet we are still talking, we're still trying to get walking
Down the road of friendship
But because you’re so relentless
I’ll always be scared of you, but I’ll never admit it. Not to your face

Even if you read and I cannot erase
Coz I can’t put a finger on it, don’t want to linger on it
I’m out of my league and you hold many balls
I cant’ choose the game, have no power or fame
to pull strings and make it my day where it’s all up to me
All about me: not you in the background watching me speak

You’re gonna catch me one day but I’ll struggle all the way
Because I refuse to be the victim, the patient, the one analysed
There: I think it’s off my chest but I never realised
You’re like my shadow, I can’t just go
We’re part of the same and whatever I think you’ll follow


So far
You’re the only man who’s ever made me cry and that I love because
Who isn’t dead or can’t be said is of my blood
Hell, you’re the only man I’ve ever said I love
My heart beats so mild but my thoughts are running wild
Of what I cannot say out loud and what I wish I’d show you. To make it rhyme:
I’m so glad I know you
Skin to skin
My eyes meet yours as you hold my hand
Heart to heart
I smile, I cry and we dance
I can’t say where I’d be without you, without me
That I can’t sleep without you is so hard to digest
Can’t exactly say when it became emotions from the question of simple rest
You’re part of me now and you’re leaving again
Will my heart stop, will the tears flow when you can’t touch me
When you go I’m not following maybe I’ll sit here wallowing
Or maybe it's lucid and you’ll be right here
Where I’m keeping you: near. Baby it’s all I can do
To keep from wishing you on a lucky star
Saying goodbye will never have been so hard. That’s why I don’t want to
And I wish it were so simple. Your support right here right now is all I’ve got to hold onto
Maybe you’re not the one I belong to or else God wouldn’t take you away
But for now: this is best and in your arms I’ll stay


I want to be like you but you’re a man
Sitting across the table with papers in your hand
I’m drinking Coke from a coffee cup
And you’re talking of cups and love and ladies
And you look so sure when my life is full of maybes
Your soul knows where the turmoil is
Mine thinks it does, grasps something then skids
Away from all that I think I’d be cool with
Only because you want to look inside
You have a deeper meaning
Or at least you’ve said you do. Imply it’s true
But really my nature’s not to trust you
Get offended and I lose you, bruise you and that fractured image
Of me, what you wish to see- which I’ll never really be
I spent my life arguing
So I let you believe that which you wish if an argument I’m forgoing
I just hope you won’t be disappointed when
I open your eyes, take away your delight and show you a self that can never be right


It is so hard to put into words
How my belly flutters and sends a trip to my heart
When I think of what darling it’s like I’ve found the sun
I’m going to cherish each whisper each song- no single one is the best
It’s never been like this and even if it’s tomorrow
I’m singing happy songs now and darling right now you are the one
Pet names and endearments are flowing out my mouth
And I don’t mind in the least
Because the smell of you and feelings too just let me lose myself
I love you now and if this is how it’s gotta be tonight, then fine with me
It’s meant to be and I’ll memorise the moments
To breathe you in and touch your skin
And desire to be with you forever


You have the world in your pocket and yet you cannot smile
Without me what did you do?
I’ve only known you an hour or two
But last month is when I met you
If you could cry I’m sure you might
Because there is nothing else to do
Do something for yourself just let loose
You don’t have to be a rock star
Even they love their guitars and groupies
If only an hour on end
I don’t wish that anyone die alone or lonely
My heart has too much room
I’d build another compartment if need be
Or else you’ll make me cry
Because I know-how it feels to be all concealed
And struggle with your problems
I’ll be the ear that wishes to hear all you have to tell me
Talk to someone, find the joy. Anything else just isn’t healthy


You’re back in my life and we’re actually laughing
We’re better than we were before
I’d wished for it locked but I think I’ll leave it open
And to think we’ve so much in common
You’re talking to me and I’m actually listening
Is this a step in the right direction
Or am I playing with flames
Because I never loved you and your desire for me isn’t quite tame

Written by YaSaBa (31/07/2006)

NB. These poems are in different colours because I am sure they are each about particular people, who I have now separated by the text colours.

Eternal Christmas Wishes

For under the tree,
there’s one gift I hope to see:
You, unwrapped by me.
Daily Haiku on Love by Tyler Knott Gregson

Monday, December 24, 2012

I Was Young: Part Three

Another Vow

Clear as crystal
I see my goals flash forward- before me
My achievements to acquire
Are many hoped and set close together
My mind’s eye can’t yet hold a candle to it
But I’ll do my best. At hardest try
No matter how tough, I’ll never cry
I’ll not stop until the time is right
And I’ve fought with all my might
So if I look back and say
Not everything went my way
At  least I can add
That I haven’t done so bad!
This in my goals is so very crucial
And between my mind and heart the feeling is mutual
A promise from myself I know
That I’ll hold true
For all that I have dreamed
It’s the least that I can do. 

Written by KaBabyblu (27/07/03)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Was Young: Part Two


Sorry is hard word to choke out
Unobligingly, it trickles through his lips

And as I watch it come, out with the slightest of doubts
I can’t believe it had to end like this

Best of friends
Thought it’d never end
But the finish was near, just around the next bend
Is it always true that a girl and boy can’t be close with no strings attached?
As far as friendship goes we were perfectly matched
Laughing together- the atmosphere as light as a feather
You’d tell me your worries and sorrows
And we’d plan solutions for tomorrow
Teasing was meaningless- a life of no bondage no stress
I’d have hooked you up with a friend of mine
But you said that being is just fine
Little could u have known how far from the truth that was
So much for consolidated trust
Anyway we might try
I guess I set my hopes too high
Gone are the days of careless delight
I grimace with chagrin when the thought
Comes to me at night
Too close, as is for comfort
So much for a hopeless conversation
I’ll scream it to the nation
No need for contemplation
I do have reservations
Just keep your wayward station and I’ll keep mine
I’ll be doing fine- that’s my line
Time and again. Time after time.

Written by KaBabyblu (23/07/03)


Come on and tell me
It’s just a lil secret
If you come on and tell me
I swear that I’ll keep it...
Safe within my heart
My lips will never part
Sworn to secrecy
Those words I’ll keep with me
As long as I live…

I said I wouldn’t tell
But what’s a little secret?
I know I said I wouldn’t tell
But what would you do if I didn’t keep it?

I only told a teensy bit
Not the whole thing, so don’t have a fit!
Oh why did you come and tell me?
Next time I promise I’ll let you be.
As long as I live…

I’m just itching to know
Why’d you have to tell me?
That there’s a secret I’m just itching to know
Forget past as past tell me now and then we’ll see...

I just had to tell
Oops now you’re surely as mad as hell.
Never have I ever been beaten so bad.
Never again shall I let the cat out of the bag-
That’s the hardest thrashing I’ve ever had!
And it’s gonna be the last
For past is always past, but this time I’ll leave it at that
As long as I live…

Written by KaBabyblu (23/07/03)

[Song: Dirty Little Secret- All American Rejects]

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Was Young Series- Part One

I have decided to make an effort to be chronological for some time... What better place to begin than in the past. So now I bring to you pieces from my early teens. Enjoy them if you can...

Can’t fall in love with me
Please tell me that you see
Did I ever mislead you?
Flattery undue
No lasting love here
Don’t cry a single tear
Hear me!
See me- I'm not happy
I won’t ever love you
My heart do not pursue
Time and again I’ve told you, ‘dear’
I thought I made it very clear… 

Written by KaBabyblu (2003)

Friday, December 14, 2012

I Give Up... you?

In the wakes of hurricanes, the aftermath as evidenced on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

The house we built on that solid foundation has been wiped away like it was never created.
We stand here, facing the ruins and wonder, is it even worth trying again?
The pieces of our home still exist and the solid rock upon which we began, remains in tact
We stand here, facing the ruins and wonder, is it even worth trying again?

In the wake of hurricanes, the aftermath on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

The wounds bled deep but the scars will eventually heal.
The tears shed as we fought and travailed to a victory that could only be called our own won't go uncounted
Having beaten down the opponents standing in our love's way, we stood on the ridge
and looked over all we'd been through, fought for, believed in
And where there should have been pride and peace, there was unrest and scorching doubts
about whether we had done the right thing... had we lost too much to gain what we wanted?

In the wake of hurricanes, the aftermath on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

I sit alone in the dark. Alone where you left me.
The bright, hot African sun is shining today... but it's still dark.
How can my mind's I* possibly trudge through the bleak nothing that you left inside?
How can I possibly know up from down and back from front
when the light of my heart has been doused by the torrent of my own tears?
The doubts now pounce where they never dared leave a shadow
The voices shout their heralds where they never even had a court
Surely, there is something I can do to bring us back to... us. Bring you and I back to us

In the wake of hurricanes, the aftermath on deserted battlefields...
In the recesses of my mind, the results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted.

Shuttered and revealing nothing. Like the house, if we had prepared for the storm.
Growing greener and fresher everyday. Like the field would when the trampled sprouts spring back and the blood dries.
Silence reigns and my thoughts are still.
Put on a smile and give the rest of me to the world that needs me.

In the wake of hurricanes, the air is still and heavy. Weighing upon your chest like the guilt of regret.
The aftermath on deserted battlefields... blood, sweat and tears wasted on the dead, gone and forgotten lovers.
In the recesses of my mind, I search for the answers. Where we went wrong and how the hell I missed the signs.
The results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted are tears and trembling lips. When is it enough, when should we keep trying?

We made it through the storm, we managed through the fight... and then we fell.
The strength of my mind and all my love couldn't hold me up
I tried to hold on, grasping at straws as I drowned in my own misery.
Choking on tears so thick, I failed to speak- reserving my energy for the survival of the 'we' I always cherished

But I'm saying it now.
I give up.

Do you?

In the wake of hurricanes, families help each other put the pieces back together and the building begins again
In the aftermath on deserted battlefields, soldiers carry each other to the barracks to find strength in numbers and get ready for the next encounter
In the recesses of my mind, I still hear you say the words 'I love you' with a gentleness that stilled my soul...
The results as evidenced on the face of the brokenhearted, when their pleas are unanswered. In their words, devoid now of any happiness, apart from anything akin to hope.

I give up.