Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Heaven’s rain, he called it
If not for the ring, she’d have fallen
Head over heels, right then and there

She prayed he couldn’t see it
When she said she couldn’t believe it
Because what she wanted was that touch
If it showed, she prayed not too much

With tingling skin she longed to begin a whole different journey
Lord, she was yearning for that kiss
Would her life be the same without that bliss?

Taking a deep breath, with the only sanity she had left
She smiled while clasping his hand
Regretting, as she stood up, that she didn’t have that kind of man

Just walk away, she told herself as she did just that
Forget the verbal seduction and don’t you dare look back
You know that’s what he wants from you- to get you in that place
Where one body finds another merging with more passion than grace

That rain would make you shiver
And heavens would hear your cries
If he got where he wanted to be
Right between your thighs

Just close the door behind you girl
It’s only trouble there
Fine he’d make your toes curl
And he’d caress you hair…

And at the table where she left him
Her touch still tingled on his skin
He knew he’d long for her
It was more than just a whim.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My chest can’t hold the waves of pain anymore... they resonate through my breastplate and fingertips and echo into the silence around me... silence around me.

At first I felt flooded and was ready to drown, but I grew gills to adapt to the misery and heartache but the pressure is increasing and I just can’t do this. This fighting. This fighting for myself. So it’s going right through me.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

who will not judge me?

No consolation, no comfort
No touch
No love

Only heaps of hot red blame

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oh, Music

Have you ever listened to a song... with one ear vaguely on the lyrics... the noise of the notes and the music is enough to make you want to sigh. And cry.
And then you play back and everything you thought in the first instance is exactly what the song is.
It’s heartbreaking and speaks right into your own heart.
And you want to laugh and smile because music has finally been written for your life, but you want to wail at the same time- or at least let tears slip silently down your face because that’s what’s happening on the inside.
If there was ever hope
Ever love
Ever broken hearts
Ever happiness
Oh music, you have spoken it to me as if you were in my head

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The word giddy comes to mind because you excite me in more ways than one. I am so happy in your company and I enjoy the feel of you against me. The light in your eyes when you look at me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

I don’t think you deserve me right now.
I can see where this will lead and I don’t think- in fact I know- that I won’t be the rebound girl, so you’ll find another plaything and the cycle will continue. I must find it in myself to reject you and all your beautiful.

I don’t think I deserve you right now.
I have been presented with knights in shining armour and lords with the wealth of nations,
Surely I don’t believe I deserve an impoverished heart?
It is not about the money, but the state and wealth of your being...
You have spent your last cent in a two-bit relationship whereas I would have brought my plentiful dowry to your feet and offered you all I am and can be.

I don’t think we are in the same world.
But don’t I deserve happiness?
Don’t you deserve it too?
You won’t find it where you are looking...
You’re in the wrong house again my dear.
Looking into the double-storey with the fireplace blazing and yet you are in the shack next door- oh so far but very, very near.

You don’t think you deserve me either.
If I am to be completely honest, this is true.
You seek for moments of hot gratification and hope to hold onto me while you sift through your hormones until all that is left is your heart and its clear message, whatever that may be.
I can see glimpses of the great love you could and can be, but you see me as the long haul kind of girl and therefore relegate me to a sideline post where I can be your cheerleader and medic and pep talker when needed... you’ll always find a reason to need me for a little while before jumping back in the field of action.

And I don’t think I deserve that.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

He came to me, looking like he was supposed to and that meant, things were back to normal... my heart filled with sadness and I let him go before I even said hello.

Good bye sexy one...

I hope you have a great time with the freak of nature’s best game. Maybe you’ll find out that you’re not so much the same
Or that you’d rather be gay
Or maybe that you’d rather have stayed with me anyway.

You told me that you weren’t looking for a relationship and then turn around and pick her so I hope she makes you glad
and that you never wonder about what we never had

And yet on the other hand, I hope that in the woes of passion, you embrace her and pull in her for a kiss and the bar on your tongue
Hooks to the ring on her lip and it burns and stings the way your quick choice stung
I hope to untangle yourselves you rip out the ring, disfiguring the face you chose over mine
And your tongue starts to bleed and maybe she gives you an STD
Because that is the only way I won’t let you come back to me.

What am I saying, that isn’t the only way! But it is a very good reason
That and that you committed relationship treason
And I don’t look back
Not for you, not for anyone.

Goodbye sexy one...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

If I had the capacity to relay my thoughts verbatim,
You’d see everything that my heart keeps hidden.

I keep thinking and thinking
And with every thought my heart is sinking.

I don’t think I am important enough to you to begin with
Because I’d win, don’t matter if competition is stiff
I would always win.
Hands tied, eyes closed, heart drowned... I would always win.

The essence of having the cake and eating it too
Or having the best of both worlds should never apply in matters of the heart.
True matters anyhow...

Friday, February 1, 2013

I huffed and puffed
I was angry
I smiled and bubbled
Slightly nervous
I weathered the picnic
My time would come
I started to worry
We were falling down again
I saw fleeting hope,
That the turn was for better
I soon fell to tears
It was not to be a fairytale.
