Friday, December 19, 2014

I want to cry over you
I want to mourn the wonders of a love I had so much hope for
I want to miss everything you made me feel
I want to cry over you
But the tears won’t come!
But the tears won’t come!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Cleansing Tears

Cleansing tears wash regret down my face
Where they dry and leave a dark trace
 Of the pain you walked me to the edge of
And left me at to ponder
Oh if only I’d been stronger.
Strong enough to fight for you
Something I wish I’d done but cannot do
Strong enough to endure your struggle
But the silence was so loud my mind was muddled
About what to do and how to help
So my place in your life is now a trophy on a shelf.
A trophy with no names carved like notches on the bedpost
The love I have and long to share isn’t even what I wanted to give you most
You’ll never know the fire’s heat that was meant for you and I
We’ll never rush from passion roar to lovers’ sated sigh.
Cleansing tears wash down face
And hope they can erase
All that you once promised me

Binding my heart, walking free.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't Be That Girl

The hollow echoes inside my mind
And threatens to fill my heart.
Leaving me empty and without a doubt
That my joy is so far from near.
There’s nothing I can say to myself that will make the time go easier
There nothing I can do to get rid of you or the memories you have branded on my mind
Someone said to day that it’s okay to be sad when you’re sad.
I know.
But how about when you’re almost mad that you’re sad because all you wanted was a “lousy letter or a call”
If he had just ended things like a mature adult, you wouldn’t want anything at all.
But since he didn’t you leave that blasted door open

Inside you know you’re wishin and hopin.

Friday, December 12, 2014

I have no real reason not to love you
As if distance could kill my heart
If I were to wish anything at all

It would be that we’d never come apart

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

For the rest of my life
I will remember you
You left me near empty
With no hope to refuel
You cracked at my veneer
Until I showed you all my fears.
You dared me to love
To believe your words and trust
To lay my heart down
Like my throat at the guillotine
Vulnerable to you
As naked as the day I joined the world
Then you decided after wooing and reviewing me.
You chose not to make me that girl
Who completed who you were as you went off to conquer the world
Even after the wounds close and the bruises heal
I will remember you
Your words, those songs, the things you left unsaid
Are a chorus of reminders

Played inside my head.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Whispers, Stutters

Is my love determined by how my heart flutters?
Or is it the way my mind stutters?
Or the warmth in my tummy, much like melted butter?

Will it one day cease to be this loud shout and fade to a useless mutter?