Friday, December 19, 2014

I want to cry over you
I want to mourn the wonders of a love I had so much hope for
I want to miss everything you made me feel
I want to cry over you
But the tears won’t come!
But the tears won’t come!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Cleansing Tears

Cleansing tears wash regret down my face
Where they dry and leave a dark trace
 Of the pain you walked me to the edge of
And left me at to ponder
Oh if only I’d been stronger.
Strong enough to fight for you
Something I wish I’d done but cannot do
Strong enough to endure your struggle
But the silence was so loud my mind was muddled
About what to do and how to help
So my place in your life is now a trophy on a shelf.
A trophy with no names carved like notches on the bedpost
The love I have and long to share isn’t even what I wanted to give you most
You’ll never know the fire’s heat that was meant for you and I
We’ll never rush from passion roar to lovers’ sated sigh.
Cleansing tears wash down face
And hope they can erase
All that you once promised me

Binding my heart, walking free.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't Be That Girl

The hollow echoes inside my mind
And threatens to fill my heart.
Leaving me empty and without a doubt
That my joy is so far from near.
There’s nothing I can say to myself that will make the time go easier
There nothing I can do to get rid of you or the memories you have branded on my mind
Someone said to day that it’s okay to be sad when you’re sad.
I know.
But how about when you’re almost mad that you’re sad because all you wanted was a “lousy letter or a call”
If he had just ended things like a mature adult, you wouldn’t want anything at all.
But since he didn’t you leave that blasted door open

Inside you know you’re wishin and hopin.

Friday, December 12, 2014

I have no real reason not to love you
As if distance could kill my heart
If I were to wish anything at all

It would be that we’d never come apart

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

For the rest of my life
I will remember you
You left me near empty
With no hope to refuel
You cracked at my veneer
Until I showed you all my fears.
You dared me to love
To believe your words and trust
To lay my heart down
Like my throat at the guillotine
Vulnerable to you
As naked as the day I joined the world
Then you decided after wooing and reviewing me.
You chose not to make me that girl
Who completed who you were as you went off to conquer the world
Even after the wounds close and the bruises heal
I will remember you
Your words, those songs, the things you left unsaid
Are a chorus of reminders

Played inside my head.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Whispers, Stutters

Is my love determined by how my heart flutters?
Or is it the way my mind stutters?
Or the warmth in my tummy, much like melted butter?

Will it one day cease to be this loud shout and fade to a useless mutter?

Monday, October 20, 2014

So in love my eyes hurt
Searching for you everywhere, even in my dreams.
So in love my teeth hurt
Clenching my jaw to avoid crying out your name.
Showing my teeth so that everyone will think
I’m still the same
Not knowing how much I’ve changed
Been changed by you
So in love my heart hurts
So full it’s about to burst
Overflowing and splitting at the seams

And the only place we share it is in my dreams.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Shacked, restrained within myself
Longing to do more than is defined by my health
Come morning, the same routine
Can’t jump or dance

Can’t do anything

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I am that invisible girl
No one knows who I am
And no one knows what I am capable of.
I show them- I can show them- but no one really sees
Never really sees the value of me.
The true worth of my words
I’m speaking on mute… might as well be, speaking to you.
Any of you.
Slowly erased from conscious living
No longer a useful, conscious being
Because everything I say can fade
There’s nothing noteworthy in the way I behave because it will quickly be erased.

The cacophony around me does nothing for my concussion and
Clearly reminds me that mine is a solo discussion
There I am in that crowded room- hoping of course that I do and don’t bump into you-
Not really expecting much
Content to be the unseen wonder in the room.
My thoughts are loud enough
And yet empty of real substance.

It’s okay for me to sit alone,
I want to be the one in the invisible cloak
Resplendent in myself and yet left to my own devices.
It is in my own company that I have no fears about how to act.
No qualms at all about that

The only time I know what to expect, when it’s only me in my debt.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Same old song, but different verse.
I move through life even though it hurts
Because I am still waiting for you
To deliver the dream you sold me.
The pitch and demonstration were more than temptation
You played a role and sold my soul
Right from beneath my heart.
But now the product is falling apart
The record has run out of space.
Same old song yes, I’m still searching for your face
And for you to take your place,
In my heart,

The place all the best songs start. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Feeling… fatigue, weary and a little bit mind-screwed.
Faith withstands the defeat and keeps my mind moving
I have reasons to live, I have a drive of my own

But I wasn’t designed to be alone.

Monday, October 6, 2014

To protect my heart
I will let my ego grow…
Who I am will be made more important than what you’ve done.
No one will ever know.

I said, I am more important than what you’ve done;
Replaced my soul with “baby you’re the one”.
Now I’ve crawled out of the hole of your dark lies
And my God has already redeemed with the gift of sacrifice.

So who is this that I Am… the godly in me
Whose boundless love wanted to set you free
Who forgave all those trespasses
to try and make this love last, this
Being who is always here,
to destroy your doubts and ease your fears
The one who gives everything- everything!-
when you’re feeling the least
The battle fighting, passion igniting, faithful, abiding… one.
I Am.

I said, I will make My God greater than what you’ve done.
My ego, the perfection of my identity
The flawlessness that makes me a unique entity
Who I Am is what He sees in me

The greatness of Christ clothing me so perfectly

Friday, October 3, 2014

A broken heart is one that cannot mend.
You simply hope to plant a new seed
and watch it grow again.
You fertilize it with patience and love,
fill it with honour and the Word from above.
Shade it from hatred and the showers of venom.
Protect it from trespassers and all it might run from
like the thief in the night who once left it shattered
Inflated it with bogus dreams and lied that she mattered.
Don’t let that heart grow in the same kind of greenhouse
Don’t let that heart go off alone
where predators choose to roam.
Once you’ve tended it and her treasured worth is found out

Let the one who planted seed remind her just which arms are [her] home.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

His definition of love is deeper
And he has driven deep into her depths to find it
Showered in the blessings of the gods
He unearthed a purer form of connection
Unafraid to bare his soul
He exchanged this human form of barely anything
For the heaven’s rush and cupid’s rain
Washing away the skepticism of the times

Leaving him with a clean, open heart with which to drink her in.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sandman, Be Kind

My hands shake with latent anxiety.
My heart thuds away, afraid that it's
the last time she'll ever really beat again.
My stomach has rejected sustenance,
or cannot bear the idea of having too much to purge because
this whole situation is making me sick with nerves.
I have no idea what I will say,
I fear what I may hear but I'm ready...
no I'm not.
I'm afraid to close my eyes because you might be there again.
I'm literally trembling.
But part of me hopes

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I hide you in my heart
because you are my secret
I love you in my mind
that’s the safest place to keep it.
You are a part of me
I’m so afraid to lose
Friend, lover, one or the other

I don’t want to choose.

Monday, September 15, 2014

When hope is tired
Who will hold my hand?
When hope is near expired,
on what then will my joy stand?
When I can’t fall any further and my cries have lost their fervour
I want you to be there
to mop them dry and bring me back before I go any further.
When I’m alone  in a crowded room,
my eyes, my heart search that crowd for you.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Come to the close of this very book,
all my words contained for those who may look.
I want to hide my shame, my pain, my self
but if I did who would I have,
who would I love,

who would I help?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I Want to Be

I want to be the one you love.
I want to be the one.
For you to truly love me,
and not some mystic dream
But you to truly know me and not just how I seem.

Oh darlin’, just how sure are you that another will not awake
some hidden inner passion and one day take my place?

I want to be the one you love
I want to be the one

Not just some girl you flatter and leave wilted in the sun.

Monday, September 8, 2014

To You Who Will Love Me Forever

To the man who will love me always…
I see shadows quite often out of the corner of my eye.
I jump, am scared, get startled by these shadows I won’t deny.
I see half-truths and hidden secrets in the lengthy silences
I worry, I fret, get threatened by ghost alliances
With other women and things you might need  more than me…
After, that is, God and precious family.
Despite all this and the many words unspoken
After mistrust is washed away and doubts are broken,
                if you promise to love me. Say, with all your heart.
I. Will. Trust. You.

if you say that you love me
and I’m lucky to believe it
I’ll believe that you do love me

and say that I receive it.
Placing a kiss upon my skin,
the beginning of a beautiful song.
Like the first note upon the music sheet,
when maestros compose a beautiful melody,
played night long.
Plaintive sighs escape my lips
speaking like a violin’s cries, rising like a guitar’s riffs
Strumming the plains and lines of the expanse of flesh before your eyes
As the pianist obeys the flow of notes on the treble and bass lines.
We come together
the crescendo of an orchestra
blending effortlessly
the way the instruments do
I become a part of you.

And now you’re written on my skin,
forever a song on my heart
Every note and line begins,

that sweet melody that makes my soul start

Friday, September 5, 2014

If I had the words,
I’d write until my hand bleeds
But they come and they go

and I often just write when it grieves me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I’m not preacher
But there are things that I can teach ya
But only if you’re going to listen…
Everyone who hears the Gospel and turns away

has no idea what they’re missin’

Monday, September 1, 2014

Spirit-Spoken Word

My poems come so quickly coz I’m gifted
With the burden of these words that I’ve lived in.
And wish it was my God that I was liftin’
But more often than not I am weak…
And I give in.
To the pressure of this world and all that doesn’t matter.
Give me a gust of the Holy Spirit
And these useless thoughts to scatter
For I know that they’re worthless
and I pretend that they’re worth it
to hide the fact that in the Kingdom I’m worthless
Not because I’m dirty or the fact I’m so unclean
But because I live for my flesh… and not the Father’s glory
There’s no way I can justify myself before His holy throne
bue even He knows how remorseful I am the moment I’m alone.
I should fall to my knees and beg,
“Father please, I know that I’m guilty”
And I know right then he’d take my hand,
and make me feel less filthy
because only Jesus can.
Only Jesus can cleanse me with His blood
And wrap myself in love
Not in love the way I thought we were
But I perceive much deeper.
Only Jesus can remove the stains-
so that only my- beauty remains
for all the world to see
Crafted by his workmanship
crafted for His glory.

My testimony is twisted
But my life can still be GIFTED
[ G- God’s Love
I- Inpsiring me to be
F- Faith filled
T- Truth seeking
E- Edifying and
D- Disciple making ]
And that’s my present to you:
                The love of God is not mine to give but I share what I know about it.

When you have received Christ and have seen what I see… you too will want to shout it.

Friday, August 29, 2014

I knew what was coming
                but it still made my heart burst
He knew what was coming
                yet it still made his mouth curse
How can fate prepare this plate
Why can’t love be more than fluff
The stuff my dreams were  made of
The gifts only elves and fairies make up.
A figment of fairytale and fantasy
Just when I thought this was reality
It fell silently apart like a sadcastle

I keep falling for moments and all their hassle.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You want a poem about you.
And I asked what do I do.
You want me to write down your name
A twist in our little game.
                Round and round
                the heart and mind
                Are we dumb
                or are we blind
Or just plain scared of what we’ll find…

Monday, August 25, 2014

I looked at the silhouette in front of me
And that is all I wanted.
For that night, for that time,
I was truly haunted.

Close enough to touch.
Just not here.
Near enough to kiss.
Just not now.
Mine for the…
                moment of thought
                but not a second longer

Because they’re watching us
And I can’t touch
you without consequences
How can it be so hard and yet

make perfect sense?

Friday, August 22, 2014

I’m confused, confused, confused.
What should I do, do, do?
About you, you, you…
Send my mind into flights of fancy
where I strip you bare
And you romance me…
Let me think you don’t want me
Then with just a touch you start to haunt me
Give me signals so confusing
Which part of your being are you using:
Your heart which I know has space for me
Your body which has acquired a taste for me?
How can it possibly be both?
How can I know which you want most?

So many questions in my head which
may always stay unanswered…

“Always” lingering in mind, think of you til my head hurts.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

When it’s not friendship,
when it’s not love.
When it’s not passion,
when it’s not lust.
When it’s not desire,
when it’s not heat.
When it’s not chemistry,
when it’s not…
any of those things above,

then it’s not you and me.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Longing for your stamp on my soft skin
Baring all that I am and the treasures within
There’s a key you hold, but only for tonight
Another day cannot go by…

I’m way too tired to fight.

Friday, August 15, 2014

I document what I’m thinking.
Not quite what I feel
For I think that I might be sinking

None of this is actually real.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Yoracle is Tired

I don’t want anything
not given to me freely.
I don’t want anyone
as much as you think he needs me.
You’re running in circles
frightened of you shadow
He turned around and followed you- how is it
you don’t know?
“Leave me be” I say just this once,
you’re fighting a needless battle.
He’s not here with me, you see.

So cease all this foolish prattle.

Monday, August 11, 2014

And even though I’m not hurt, my playlist mocks me.
Music, my salve, how you soothe
how you move me
to consider

Too much.

Friday, August 8, 2014

I would never give you up.
Give me diamonds, they might
Or even the very things my material dreams are made of…
But I’d give them up
let them pass
If you I couldn’t have.
If you I couldn’t share it with.
For what is life if
you cannot share it
like a gift

what is love for that matter?

A New Song for Old Faith

I have had a song stuck in my head for a short while and did not know whose song it was or what it was called.

I discovered today that song is Oceans by Hillsong off the Zion album.

The one part of the song that resonates in my mind:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
let me walk upon the waters, wherever You may call me.
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
Where my faith can be made stronger,
In the presence of my Saviour.

If you just listen to that song... I hope it brings you peace like it does for me.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Korean Dramas Make Me Cry

Watching a show that will tear your heart out,
longing for a love that drives him to hug the tears from your eyes
One that will defy parental commands and burn the bridges that will separate us
if you ever chose to walk away.
Longing for the kind of love that would make you want to stay.

2.54pm, 27 Jan ’14, YaSaBa

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Whispers of Hope

Screaming so silently
Women with broken hearts
And stolen souls
Calling for a white knight
To fill with love the holes...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sleep Walk

A part of me knows this drifting
is unhealthy.
A part of me knows that I'm bleeding out inside.
The part of me sleep walking knows how to look just fine.

No one has to knowing I'm
No one has to see my undeniable pain
I'll just act like I have an umbrella as I travel through the rain.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

If I were a vampire... your throat would be my feast.
Your neck the perfect place to
put my lips
in death's own kiss.

But I want to feel the life in you...
pass straight through me too
I want your heartbeat on my skin
As I watch and sense you exhale
I breathe you all in.

Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm still not sure just how much I want you
because the times you show me where you are-
is when it's safe to.

I know that it's no excuse
I know that it's not fair
But how can I think of going the distance-
if you won't meet me there.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The dam wall releases a torrent
So strong
That only rock and whale can handle
The tears from eye may fall
So hot
It burns like molten under the mantle
The emotion she spills may even kill
A heart
Of a man who bought no flowers and scented candle
It’s the way of love and hate:
A rush
That can make or break like no high school vandal

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I guess I loved at least once

I’ve never known a man my age
Who can give
The way you do.
I’ve never seen a smile
That has nothing to prove.
I’ve always thought I’m falling
I’ve always found am wrong
I seem to be a sucker
I seem to be the one who’s always on the run
From the shame of failure
Or the truth that comes with.
And now yes, I’m running
But I’m running straight to you
Because something within
Tells me we could win
We could rise to shine everyday
To take the dark and pain away
To warm the heart and fortify the mind.
As you take to return
A flame for lover will ever burn,
Brighter with each passing night
Like a full moon, burning stable and bright. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How much must one sacrifice?
For whom and when?
It seems a good plan for the moment
But only then

Then reality comes slamming back
And you’re against a wall
Trying to rid your mind of evidence
Vomiting in a bathroom stall

Would you- must one- give the very blood
That runs for things as sweet as love?
Can one say, that’s what they’d pay
Just to be rid of one below the one above.

Because that higher may not see it
And may never know the truth at all
That all that took place was
A price paid to be in the place call now where
Lovers fall. YSB

Monday, March 3, 2014

Writing: My First Aid

Writing’s in my blood, but
I’m not always good
Other times it rushes out
Rushes out like a flood
Flows on the page
Gushes out in rage
And rhyme I do, if not for me- for you
It’s a wonder how I pick up a pen and create
Drop it and pick it up again.
Amazing how my anger and pain, longing and rain
Go stronger than joy
And ever remain on paper
Like blood on sheets left by
The man who beat and raped her
It’s all that’s wrong that I write
Better that than stay up at night
For crying will solve nothing
Not even for ‘her’
Who needs something
But will trust no one to give it
It’s hers and she’ll live it
For the rest of life’s time
Just like me….
I write to get set free
This is my comfort
What it takes to help me survive longer

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I can’t stand, for my knee’s weak
I can’t sit still and I don’t trust my speech
I don’t know how to stay away from the fire
That melts the ice of this queen me
Boiling blood and scorched skin
From a touch so soft and soothing
From a caress that tortures me within
Why can’t I go back to the way it was?
Is that not how it should be?
Full of laughter, not of longing
Full of sexy, but so carefree? YaSaBa 

Friday, February 28, 2014

no title

So much for all that about not giving in
Not creating a connection  as good as sin
It’s just something he stirs within.
I don’t think I’d have turned away- or even said no
Even if you paid me to.
Temptation is a mother
Seduction is a father
What to call their child…
I wouldn’t even bother.
And to think nothing’s even changed.
The order still remains
Those two will make beautiful children
And my mind is still in chains

Thursday, February 27, 2014

When the good get pushed too far
It’s usually a matter of the heart
Not just anyone or anything
Can interrupt a life in full swing
But a broken heart will stop a man running
Just as a car will stop cease its healthy humming
Pushed too far, far enough to lose heart
Far enough to grow tart
With others, blaming fathers and mothers for bringing fruits into this world.
Sour, bitter, nasty fruits
Worse than a few home truths.
                When the smile finally fades
It’s something one can never change back to old
Confident and bold
As one may be
There’s no winning the good back easily.
Alas, when the good get pushed too far
It’s a matter of a boiling heart
And antibodies help form a scar
So that next time,
They’ll have to push twice as hard.  YaSaBa

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Maybe I’ll never say sorry again
Maybe we can never be friends
Maybe’s a word we use
It’s something we say when we can’t choose

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let Me

I hate it when I can’t express myself
Whether it’s personal
Failure or because I’m censored.

How then am I supposed to inspire,
Be town crier
Elevate people to higher than
Their own personal mire
When my situation’s dire

When then should I display my skill
To give people power of will
That gives them time to still
The urge to kill
the flow of life and the ray of light which should spill so freely
Onto the opportunity borne of hard ground which I till.

So then my word
Ceases to be a sword
With which to destroy
Every clapboard
Mind that houses crap thoughts
Instead of- my Lord!-
The mansions and chalets and the yachts
I help you climb aboard
To make you feel you’ve won a lifetime achiever award.

Why then do I continue to live here,
Who then is it I’ve come to fear
What is it they have that clears
 My mind of all words I hold dear
Let them scorn, let them jeer
but never let them- people and my own emotion- create a frown
create that void or cause my eye to tear

Monday, February 24, 2014

Across a room, in each other’s room
These two could burn a house down.
There’s a searing hiss of passion
Every time their scorching lips kiss.
Steamy has little on this
Hot, sizzling bliss that they create.
With their eyes they speak of pleasures undelivered
Which they more than desire to share unhindered.
She knows where his touch is best
And how her hands caress his chest
As her strokes her curves and evokes reactions that deserve
His utmost attention
As carefree and without pretension
Their bodies merge, blend, melt into wet oneness.
Alone they’d not overcome this
So together they seek bliss.
Holding onto the moment and one another;
For everything less than satisfaction is torment. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

My Word

Need I vow?
Not to bow down to my own temptation
The time is now to never be second,
There’s no tomorrow or next time
No matter how grand or fine he may be
No ifs, no buts, no maybes
I am and always will be number one
It’s all or nothing
Spare me the sweet stuffing
Of deliciously sweet nothings
For I’ve promised myself
To this word I’m held

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Scarred Hearts

When the good get pushed too far
It’s usually a matter of the heart
Not just anyone or anything
Can interrupt a life in full swing
But a broken heart will stop a man running
Just as a car will stop cease its healthy humming
Pushed too far, far enough to lose heart
Far enough to grow tart
With others, blaming fathers and mothers for bringing fruits into this world.
Sour, bitter, nasty fruits
Worse than a few home truths.
                When the smile finally fades
It’s something one can never change back to old
Confident and bold
As one may be
There’s no winning the good back easily.
Alas, when the good get pushed too far
It’s a matter of a boiling heart
And antibodies help form a scar
So that next time,

They’ll have to push twice as hard.  YaSaBa

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bad fruit, Twisted minds

Fertile minds can bear bad fruit
Good thoughts only are a fool’s thoughts solely
A lady has sex thoughts: roll me
A gentleman petty: blow me!
All to prove that we are not as well as we look on the outside.
Everybody’s just a little sick and twisted.
Proven by the glint in the eye,
Many have missed it
And the flicker of the tongue
Some have dreamt to kiss this
And that as their thoughts
Would put them
Flat on their backs.

Yet, there’s doom too
Some think gloom through
The days and nights
Clever but imagining fights, crashing flights
Oh what we think of does not reflect one’s heart, though
A wicked smile, but cardiac glow
It is those who act on these
Horrid time takers
The sadistic love makers
And maniac stalkers
Who keep girls panties
In remote lockers
They are a bit more than
A little sick or twisted
We who suppress the evil in
 Our nature and spin great
Deeds and ideas are gifted. YaSaBa 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Take Me Home

Skies are grey
And it’s threatening to rain
But my eyes will be dry tonight
Not only because I should be happy
But because I’m so damn tired.
I’m in limbo, between sleep and wakefulness
My thoughts repeat themselves with such faithfulness
I am not complete
And my demons I can’t defeat alone
Send me someone to help me
Send me to a place called home. YaSaBa 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I Write

My words are all about people
I have no time for birds and trees
For I cannot relate- or am not even there- when they bleed.
I know that
It’s always my aim to show that
Vulnerable side of human life
Prone to scratch and cut
Liable to get in a jam
Stuck in a rut.
I wish to understand the human mind and why we cry
For ourselves and others
Why it’s ever an option for everyone-
Fathers, sisters, mothers.
I look to see and show a strength
People like me would go to any length
Beauty is beheld by naked eye
Mine is great and
Everywhere this I spy in unexpected hiding places
For it is often hidden as
The owners wish not to let escape this
One trait that gives them sparkle
For fear not all find it remarkable.
Can I not write of these? YaSaBa

Friday, February 14, 2014

Is It Real?

It’s a song sung before my time
I’ll come up with a new line
To tell people what you do to me
To question when- if ever- I’ll be set free.
I’m not in love
And I won’t call it lust
For another song goes,
“It’s just a little crush”
And it was just a kiss
My lips here and yours like this
Us communicating in a language the entire city wouldn’t miss
In a car, in an office.
It’s all the same. Bliss
The taste, however and the feel, too
Is what made it uniquely you.
How eager, how willing
How absolutely thrilling
To be the one for that moment
To be your sun and you my comet
The flames and sparks
Lit up the dark of the place and feeling
Tell me.
Did I leave you reeling?
I could feel your heart beat
So tell me, when our lips meet
How do you feel?
I know it was fun… but just how real.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Nothing burns like resentment
Nothing scars like the pain
Pour scalding tea on my hand
The welts do not compare.
Never test the boiling point of the heart
Because it begins to singe
And  melt of the edges
Deforming those lacy fringes.
You can pour cold water before it begins to scar…
But no, nothing compares
To the anger in my heart.
Only prayer and faith can bring one back from the brink of death
And nothing kills like the holding of one’s breath.
Being unable to speak is worse than anything
Being unable to say what I feel and think
Is to send me to the deadly brink
So watch me sink into the mire with
no sentence higher than execution
for I value nothing more than my broken
heartfelt elocution. YaSaBa 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I actually pictured us kissing
But now I’ll never know…
So it’s time to go
This land no longer holds
Anything I can’t get at home
Curiosity led me away
But I’m about to end my stay
For it’s shadows I’d chase
And you’d have only led me astray
They always say don’t waste another day
When you’ve finally found your place
Home is where the heart is
He’s got mine so I must need his
No more running
Because there are no more questions
No more doubts and hesitation
Gone is all temptation
To dream or pursue further relations.
It’s as if he knew though-
And now I’m coming back.
It’s what I do- all I can.
I go away… take time and stray
Then I reach out- and he takes my hand. YaSaBa

Monday, February 10, 2014

What I Can't God Will



Saturday, February 8, 2014
